Stop Snoring in Days

Get rid of your snoring in just a few sessions with Dr. Nadi

With Dr. Nadi get consultations via video chat, equipment delivered to your doorstep, one overnight test to be done in the comfort of your own bed, and access to sleep data at your fingertips.

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Sleep studies are the most effective method of gathering accurate data about your sleep patterns and
are often recommended by physicians to make a diagnosis for a variety of sleep disorders.

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What is Sleep Medicine?

Sleep medicine is a medical specialty or subspecialty devoted to the diagnosis and therapy of sleep disturbances and disorders. From the middle of the 20th century, research has

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What is a Sleep Study?

A sleep study is a non-invasive painless evaluation of your sleep.
Electrodes attached with paste monitor your brain waves, rapid eye movements, breathing patterns, respiratory efforts, oxygen levels, snoring, muscle tone and…..

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What are the different types of sleep studies

Polysomnogram Study

It is a multi-parameter study of sleep and a diagnostic tool in
sleep medicine.

Titration Study

The sole purpose of a Titration Study is to calibrate the CPAP machine’s airflow rate to the sleeper’s needs.

Split Night Study

This is a type of sleep study in which two night’s worth of recordings are combined into a single overnight observation.

Multiple Sleep
Latency Test (MSLT)

In the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), a person is given 4-5 opportunities to sleep every two hours during normal wake times.

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